February is coming to a close, and with it we review everything blues!
This week, choose one type of blues listed in the handout to focus on. Play through the chords (or arpeggios) and listen to one or more of the recordings that go along to it.
For further listening I'd encourage you to check out a few of the blueses at the bottom of the list; they take the form and use it to think outside of the box. If nothing else, give a listen to Watermelon Man.
Old School Blues:
Jazz Blues:
Minor Blues:
Other Blueses:
Bird Blues: Blues for Alice.
Lots of extra II-V motion to get between each chord (check out the handout).
Altered Blues Form/Changes: Watermelon Man.
Whole Tone Blues: Our Man Higgins.
The same chord progression as a standard blues, but every 7 chord has a #5 (eg. Bb D F# Ab).
Altered Blues Changes: Matrix.